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Friday 7 March 2025

Since Bond Vigilantes was launched in November 2006 it’s fair to say we’ve really enjoyed posting our comments. We’ve taken time to ensure it both entertains and informs, giving our true reactions to events as they happened and a glimpse into the inner workings of our minds! To celebrate the 5th anniversary of our first post, we thought we’d create and make available to you a book that contains the top 100 blog posts as chosen by us.

It’s completely free to download, read, print and share; all we ask is that if you enjoy it then please feel free to make a donation to Cancer Research by clicking on the link below. Obviously there is no upper limit on how much you can donate, but as a minimum we’d suggest £10.

You can also donate by text. Send a text to 70070 and enter the code: EDXO followed by the amount e.g. EDXO 10
Please note texts cost £1.

M&G is supporting Cancer Research

This eBook is free, and making a donation is NOT compulsory.

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