The Bank: Inside the Bank of England: the 10 competition winners are…

The answer was the Bank of England’s Inflation Report cost £4 when it was first published in 1993, and now costs £3, deflation of 25%.

Congratulations to the ten winners picked randomly:

  1. Tim Cockram – Chetwood Wealth Management
  2. Simon Bird  – Brewin  Dolphin
  3. Alex Brandreth – Brown Shipley
  4. Robert Harper – Brewin Dolphin
  5. Ali Treharne –  SFP Plymouth
  6. Mark Dobson – Charles Stanley
  7. R Knight – from Altrincham Cheshire
  8. James Norman – Northern Bank
  9. Mark Jones – Brewin Dolphin
  10. Moyeen Islam – Barclays Capital

We’ll be in touch and you’ll receive your books soon. Thanks for all the entries.

The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause prices to fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Gordon Harding

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