M&G Bond Vigilantes 2016 Macro Outlook by Jim Leaviss

The weather has turned cold, the nights are drawing in and the Christmas lights have been turned on. Not only does the holiday season herald the return of a fat man in a red suit, it is also time for the annual M&G Bond Vigilantes Macro Outlook. Inflation is low, bond yields are negative and global growth is slowing. But things are about to change. The central bank of the world’s largest economy could be about to hike interest rates, and the ramifications of this event will touch every asset class.

For our take on the 2016 Macro Outlook for global economy, bond markets and currencies, please click here

The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause prices to fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Pierre Chartres

Job Title: Investment Director

Specialist Subjects: Macro economics and European credit

Likes: Football, skiing, golf, Skysports (everything except the F1 stuff), French Basque Country

Heroes: Chesley Sullenberger, Felix Baumgartner

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