2024 Fixed Income Outlook: The Uncle Jim’s World of Bonds Special
Join Jim for his annual review of a busy 2023 for fixed income markets, which has put bonds back in fashion again. There is a lot to cover – central bank decisions, the credit environment and the everything rally into the end of the year. What can we expect for 2024? Jim looks at the prospect of government bond issuance, economic slowdowns and the busiest election year in history!
Uncle Jim’s World of Bonds is a regular podcast by Jim Leaviss, Chief Investment Officer Fixed Income at M&G Investments. According to Jim, there is nothing more fascinating than a fixed-income instrument. Nothing. Listen to Jim transport you to a world of convexity, basis points, covenants and debt-to-GDP.

There is nothing more fascinating than a fixed income instrument. Nothing. Listen to Jim transport you to a world of convexity, basis points, covenants and debt-to-gdp.
For professional investors only. No advice here. No mention of funds or products. Personal thoughts, not that of any employer.
Man I go on a bit. The stuff about The Pogues is at 38 minutes if you can’t face the rest.

The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause prices to fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.