Free lecture series at the London School of Economics
Being the intellectuals that you are, we thought you might find some of the upcoming events being held at the London School of Economics (LSE) of interest. On the 30th of June they have Andrew Ross Sorkin discussing the development of the financial crisis since the publication of his book Too Big to Fail, and what he thinks the future may hold. We’ve mentioned his book numerous times on the blog – it’s very well written, engaging and thought provoking. On the 14th of July there is a talk from Alan Beattie (the Financial Times world trade editor) on why Greece should default (we here think some form of restructuring is inevitable by the way). The LSE runs these free lectures throughout the year on various topics in the social sciences and I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve listened to previously. If you can’t make the actual events you can download podcasts a day or so later – they tend to keep me entertained while I’m ironing my shirts on a Sunday evening (Editor’s note – you iron your shirts? Who’d have known?). I’m not sure if it’s by design but neither of these talks clash with the World Cup. Sorkin’s lecture is on a rest day before the quarter finals and the final is on the 11th July. For those England fans among you some news just in: Robert Green trained on Thursday for 3 hours and had 400 shots taken at him without conceding a single goal. Today he and Heskey will train with the rest of the squad.
The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause prices to fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

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